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Thursday, April 30, 2015

NO Pants April 2015: Day 30

NO Pants April Day 30. This is the end, folks :)
I know that everyone is probably tired of it by now, but I'm sold. S.O.L.D. Anywho, here I am rambling, and you just want to know what I wore that day.
Black knit tee with tan scroll work on it, and a long tan skirt with scroll work. A good combo. Piggietails, dangly ball earrings, and a silly grin for the last day of NPA 2015. Somehow I missed a picture of it, sorry.

MAKE UP: BB Cream, eyeliner, a bit of tinted lip balm, and a sweep of mascara. Boom, done!
Did I mention, BOOM! NPA 2015, I have enjoyed nearly every single second of you. I took care of my household, I lived, I traveled and I worked in skirts. No one died, I got more compliments in one month than I normally garner in a year, and I felt pretty. Not bad for this old lady. :) See you next year!

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