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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#100HappyDays: Day 9

Day 9: Derek has been passed back and forth and around between The BIGS like a hot potato for what seems like months between gymnastics meets, Mama K needing to travel with his auntie Karen, work demands, Mama K going to meet Baby Caden in IL and Daddy and Mama K stealing away for a few days together.
He said sadly to me the other day that he was tired of me being away, and he wished I could be home Like I used to be...OUCH. So, today we played video games together, went out to dinner, made silly videos and fun photos on SnapChat, and I sang his bedtime story in my silliest, loudest voice. ''Twas a good day for us. 💚

Derek loves the white freckles, but not the heart shaped nose

If you like this challenge, head over to www.100happydays.com to sign up. You can choose a start date, your favorite photo posting platform and even a custom hashtag if you want to be more original. Do it, you might just decide you love it. 


Kayla said...

You probably just needed a day at home and of being silly too for your spirit to be renewed! So glad you listened.

The Man Crew said...

I did indeed! I felt refreshed after spending some down time with my littlest MeYeR. He won't be "little" much longer, since he's been taller than me for 3 years now. LOL!

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