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Thursday, June 15, 2017

#100HappyDays: Day 17

Day 17: Carlsbad Caverns
Dan and I stopped for a tour of Carlsbad Caverns on the way home from Eunice today. It's been about 15 years since we've been and it was a completely different experience for us without two small toddlers in tow while trying to keep up with our extended family years ago. We didn't have time to stay and watch the bats fly out in the evening, but it was a lovely trip nonetheless. Plus, time spent with this handsome devil is always an adventure.
#100HappyDays  Carlsbad Caverns
 If you like this challenge, head over to www.100happydays.com to sign up. You can choose a start date, your favorite photo posting platform and even a custom hashtag if you want to be more original. Do it, you might just decide you love it.

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