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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

#100 Happy Days: Day 15

Day 15: Hotel Life, yo.
     Dan spent the day hard at work while I spent it hardly working. I blogged, I napped, I read, I watched TV (Food Network, of course) and I wandered the hotel. When Dan came home we had dinner and then decided we needed ice cream, and upon our return, we were greeted by this picturesque sight and I was reminded anew of how blessed we are. A beautiful hotel, time together, time for me to enjoy some time to regroup, and enough fun money for an ice cream run. 
#100HappyDays     #HotelLife
 If you like this challenge, head over to www.100happydays.com to sign up. You can choose a start date, your favorite photo posting platform and even a custom hashtag if you want to be more original. Do it, you might just decide you love it.

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