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     A brilliant friend of mine called her new boyfriend a 'gentleman savage' on Facebook this week, and it struck a chord in me. It...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Catching UP with Us Meyer's~ January through June 2013 edition: Part 3

Just a quick one as I only have a few minutes before dashing off to the next appointment. Let's see here, what can I share quickly?
February: Ollie turned 1 :) Happy birthday Ollie, welcome to an exciting new year of you life as you grow and change so quickly!
The Happy Schwinn family: Ryan, Kelsi and Ollie

Mmmm, birthday cupcakes are so tasty!
 Mama K got a juicer for Christmas and to be honest, I'm a wee bit intimidated by it, so it hadn't gotten much use right away. Dan, Derek and I decided to give it a go one day in February and enjoyed the drinks very much. Derek is afraid of it while it's running, but lingers close by so he can have the first drink. Silly boy!
Yum, look at all the healthy stuff!

Bwuahahah! Trying to catch every last drop of goodness!
 February: Dan bought himself some drywall stilts for work. The lowest setting is 2 feet high. Gracious! As if he's not tall enough already. I nearly stroked out when David and Patrick tried them. That's a little much even for this brave Mama. David was running on them in less than 30 seconds, Pat did NOT like them, and within 10 minutes, Dan was going up and down the stairs in them. OH MY WORD! I did NOT try them, much to Dan's disappointment. And I can live with that :)

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