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Friday, October 30, 2009

Catchin' Up with Us MeYeR's

Greetings from sunny and warm-ish New Mexico! I say warm-ish, because while it's 55 during the day and to those in the Northern US, this seems really warm, but to us that don't have our heaters on yet...it gets a bit chilly overnight...so glad for my heated water bed~HA! It's been an eventful few weeks around here, so let's get to it! How about some bullet journalling? (Warning: Goofy pictures ahead!)
  • Dan is STILL in Hurley and is quickly growing weary of it. The few guys that are left on the job are the ones that expect someone else (namely Dan) to carry their dead weight and cover their tracks to the boss. Plus, since 'Shua isn't working with him anymore, I think he is lonely, sitting up in a hotel room all by himself. So when he gets home, he is tired and grumpy. He's also been either doing side work on the weekends to start earning Christmas money, or been working on someone's car....poor guy can't catch a break : ( I bought him tickets to the Speedway for next weekend, (shh, don't tell!) so hopefully I can get him to rest a bit and enjoy himself for 5 whole minutes.

  • 'Shua and Lauren have both acquired seasonal jobs with my beloved Kohl's and start in a few weeks. Hurray, that's answered prayer! Plus, unemployment has come through for 'Shua and he has also been working weekends with Dan. Josh celebrated his 21st birthday last week and got a new PS2 and a fishtank, both things that he has been wanting. So, they have a roof over their heads and food on the table. God is good, all the time!

  • David has been invited to join the boys gymnastics team at the local gym, tested all the way into level 5 (WOW) and has been training with the level 4 kids waiting for his upper body strength and flexibility to improve...but the coach said a few days ago that David is too good for this group and he needs to move up. David is nervous since those kids are a bit older and have been doing gymnastics for longer, plus their practice schedule will interfere with Game Night...so he hasn't decided yet, but he is really enjoying working out at the gym.

  • Pat has been working hard at school these past few weeks and I am really proud of him! He sits right down and gets to work with a minimum of fuss or muss...it's really great! His attention span has improved greatly over the past year and he is maturing in other areas as well. He is glad to be home, although he does miss his PaPa and Grma and speaks of them often

  • Derek is enjoying pre-school and likes to do his coloring pages, work in his lapbook and read books with Mama. He is the resident clown and keeps us laughing everyday with his silly antics and ridiculous statements. He has declared himself a BIGGIE boy and wants to go along to gymnastics, to 'Shua's house or wherever he thinks he's being left out of going...LOL!

  • Me, I'm still working at Kohl's of course, teaching school and digging into our new curriculum that we are starting on Monday plus trying desperately to keep up with the laundry...HA! Pat has had hives this week and in trying to get everything as clean as possible to rule out allergens, I've broken my previous record of over 30 loads of laundry in 1 week: YIKES! I've enjoyed a week of not cooking since Jodi has planned all the meals this week and cooked them all, hurray! I've gained 5 pounds, *dang it* but it was totally worth it! ; )

  • In other news, James AND Titus have been diagnosed with the swine flu in the past 10 days and so we had swine flu day and ate all piggy meals...LOL! Pork roast for lunch and white beans and ham WITH bacon bits for dinner. We're so silly! Both are doing well again, although I'm starting to wonder if Aaron has it, as he doesn't seem to feel that great.

  • In the exciting news department, Lauren and I had quite an adventure while trying to run errands today. The transmission linkage (I'm guessing) went out in 'Shua's car, leaving us stuck at the top of a hill, rolling backwards and INTO traffic! Whee! Anywho, 2 men jumped out and helped the boys and I push it around the corner so it would coast down the hill and then David got his first time behind the wheel as Lauren and I pushed it into a subdivision. Another gentleman came along and offered his help as we stood there pondering what to do...have I mentioned I LOVE Las Cruces? The people are so friendly...not one person honked at us while we were blocking traffic, no one flipped us off and no one hollered out their window...it's SO not Chicago! : ) On a side note, isn't she pretty?? Gosh I love having them here by us!

  • I guess that's about it for catching up for this week or two...thanks for listening! Have a great week!
Blessings from our family to yours,

Kristy and the Man Crew
PS. This video is for the Grandma's...it's a video of Titus, who has learned to say CHEESE!

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