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Friday, July 11, 2014

Stay-cation day 14: July 11, 2014

Stay-cation day 14: It's Friday. I can't remember a single thing I did. All. Day. Long. Must have been great :/ (getting old and forgetful is for the birds) At any rate, I apparently took no pictures, and did nothing memorable, so I'm going to assume that I drove the Mama Taxi, played with DT and read the day away, and then spent a fun evening with the Game Night Crowd. And that's close enough for this girl. Happy stay-cationing, my friends!

Even though we have an offer in on our wonderful, marvelous Gunsight house, we are still praying over this darling number, which isn't sure if it is ON or OFF the market. I could live my whole life on those porches. Pray with us please.

*I'm on vacay from work for the next 2 weeks while BossMan and the rest of the B-Bunch travel for school reunions, to visit family and to take a break from the hectic schedule they normally enjoy. I'll be taking care of the house and critters in their absence and intend to remember how to relax a bit along the way. Join me :)

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