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     A brilliant friend of mine called her new boyfriend a 'gentleman savage' on Facebook this week, and it struck a chord in me. It...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hurley Adventure

Oh my, What a wonderful adventure. That could easily encompass my whole marriage (LOL) but for now, it's just about a short vacation in December. : ) A few weeks back, Dan ordered a new hammer..and it took it's sweet time in getting here. When Dan called home Monday to see if it had arrived yet and I announced that it had, he told me that he would be coming home to pick it up as his old hammer just wasn't doing it's job any more. I decided that I would see if I could find some sitters and go back to spend the rest of the work week with him. We were ready for a break, he was really frustrated at work, I was 'bored' at home (keep in mind that boredom is relative) and we were ready for a little get away. So due to some wonderful friends...Tracy took Derek and David for the 3 days, and Josh and Lauren took Pat. I packed a bag of clothes, snacks and scrapbook supplies and was waiting when Dan got home. He was as thrilled as I was and after an evening at work for me, we headed out to Hurley. Dan still had to work, but for the next 3 days we talked and laughed and spent uninterrupted time together...oh my, it was glorious! And while he was working, I slept in, read 2 books and handmade about 50 cards...I had so much fun. We arrived home well rested, more relaxed than we have been in months and ready to face the world again. Who knew that 3 days could make such a difference??

AS an added bonus, Dan had been told that Monday that he would be getting laid off at the end of the week...and he was. But he had spent the week setting up side jobs to keep himself busy and food on the table. So we were not concerned too much by the lay off, but God had even better plans : ) As we were driving home from Hurley, the boss called and said that they wanted Dan up in a town called Tularosa starting on Monday. And this is at the time when everyone else has been laid off except the supervisors. It's a testament to Dan's hard working ethics and God's provision for our family. *sigh of contentment* God is soooo good!!


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