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The Best Thing I've Heard All Week

     A brilliant friend of mine called her new boyfriend a 'gentleman savage' on Facebook this week, and it struck a chord in me. It...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Video Flip and a Wacky Picture~

Well, we got the video of David flipping off of playground equipment and a great picture that is all for Candy! Both really need no explanation so without further ado...

"David is Flippin' Awesome!!"

And Candy...this picture is all for you...enjoy!

I had braided my hair so that It would be wavy..and wouldn't you know it, I ended up having to run to Wal_Mart...just thought you would enjoy it! You can put it right next to Hannah's pic with the 27 ponytails...LOL!
Love you all so much,


Unknown said...

That is so cool!
I braid my hair like that sometimes. to make it wiggly.

The Ruoss Crew said...


The Man Crew said...

Does that mean you like it?? LOL!!

Beate said...

Thanks a bunch for commenting on my blog. You are my first comment ever!
Your men are so wild and crazy! I hope they are careful. I guess thats boys for ya...

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