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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Joy-FULL February 2011~ Day 3

It's LATE on Day 3, but since I had to work tonight, this is the earliest I could get it in. For today, it's something simple that I LOVE to do, but just end up 'too busy' to do it. I love to write letters. Short, long, sweet, scolding, thank you, congratulation, encouraging, how's the family, here's what we've been up to lately, it doesn't matter, I just love to write letters. Let's be honest, we all get enough bills, statements and sales fliers in the mail. It's SO great to open the mail box and find a letter from a friend asking how you are, thanking you for some small favor you did, or a note of encouragement while you are going through a tough time. In this technologically advanced day we live in, letter writing seems practically irrelevant anymore, but nothing says I LOVE YOU like taking the time to write a note and send it through the 'snail mail' system. Having a paper to hold in your hand is more comforting that saying, "let me dig through my zip drive files, I know you sent me something a while back" : ) So, take up the letter writing challenge with me and let's bring letter writing back!



Kayla said...

I have been thinking about this same thing for a while. I draft letters and notes in my head all the time for people. Or just think, I should send them a card. Then I rarely follow through! I get so mad at myself because it is a really easy and cheap thing I could do to make someone's life better!!! I am going to accept your challenge.


Danielle Leigh said...

I love to write letters. Unfortunately, I always forget to mail them or buy stamps to mail them. I actually have one for you sitting here waiting for me to buy a stamp.....lol

The Man Crew said...

Kayla, so glad you are taking up the challenge with me. I've got 4 overdue thank you notes that NEED to go out this week. Wanna offer me some accountability?

The Man Crew said...

Dani, I'm terrible with stamps, too. I've been known to tape 2 quarters to the envelope and put it in the mail like that :) I'll be excited to get your letter, whenever it gets here!

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