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The Best Thing I've Heard All Week

     A brilliant friend of mine called her new boyfriend a 'gentleman savage' on Facebook this week, and it struck a chord in me. It...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Catchin' Up with Us MeYeR's

OK, so it's been almost 2 weeks again...*sigh*...one of these days I'll get a good schedule going with posting regularly. Until then, you'll just have to bear with me : ) We've had a quiet few weeks which is nice! Alec has come and gone this week and we enjoyed his visit. A week or so back, we took a nice nature walk and one day Tracy took the boys to the park and got some nice pictures. I'm gonna share them and then move on, so consider this a record short post...LOL! Hope everyone on the other end of this is healthy and happy. God bless you all!


David is getting so tall~ 12 years old
Patrick is such an outdoorsy boy~ 11 years oldDerek loves to pose for pictures, as long as you take a silly face picture, too~ 4 years old


jolincountry said...

What a bunch of good looking guys you've got!

The Man Crew said...

Thanks De...we sure like to think so...LOL! Good thing they all look like their daddy!

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