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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Weeks Already? And Memorial Day Pics

Sorry everyone! I was doing so much better and then, well I guess I just fell off the planet. Here's the news that is news.
Dan is working again. Praise God. And he's back to work for the Wooten Company that he's worked with 4 out of the nearly 5 years we've been here. (Has it REALLY been that long since we transplanted here? WOW) And he's working with his fave guy in the company AND he's working as a foreman on this job. He's so happy! Add to that the hour long work out each day and that man comes home DOG TIRED and ready to relax. We've added the dart board to the rec room and I've remembered how much I like them, although Dan is so much better than I am.

 I've started a new job this week. Back to nannying outside of the house. 3 great kids, super benefits, non-neurotic parents, and 50 hours a week. OK that last part is a bit of a struggle since we've been out of the habit for nearly 7 years. (Candy....7 years? YIKES) Glad I spent much of the early part of the month 'feeding my freezer' so there are lots of casseroles, fruit breads, dinner 'starters' and ready to go lunches all just waiting to be used up. Hurray for pre-planning that I didn't even know was pre-planning. Ain't God good? And of course, the fact that the boys can come along with me and continue with school while I help get us out of debt and back on the Dave Ramsey straight and narrow is an added bonus. It doesn't hurt that the family is one of David's best friends from the gym and members of our church. I repeat, Ain't God good? Oh, I've been doing well on keeping up with my Couch to 5K jogging although now that I've started working, it's becoming more of a challenge to squeeze it in at some time when it isn't 97*. But I will figure it out.
David starts his first summer job next week. He's going to be a teacher's assistant at Jodi's tutoring company. He's quite excited about it : ) He is anxiously awaiting new school books that seem to have been mis-delivered. The post office is still looking for them. Anywho, he's trucking right along with school and his job is only 1/2 days so he will be able to continue over the summer.

 Patrick is looking for a summer activity to join. He's thinking about swim lessons, martial arts camp, or just plain day camp at the gym. They have a Nerf themed week this summer. Other than that, he's charming the little one at my new job, playing with their animals, (2 dogs, 3 cats and 2 rats) and working on school.
 Derek is starting summer phonics camp 2 mornings a week next week (it's where David will be working, also) He's pretty excited about it. He's loving it at the new place too since they have a pool and lots of new things and people to enjoy. I think he's the most social of my boys.
 Had a lovely chat with 'Shua and Lauren last week. They are doing well and enjoying the slightly less hectic life now that Lauren has graduated from college. HOPING to see them down here sometime this summer! (hint hint)
 In other news, my nephew Jayson graduated from high school this week. I'd really like to pretend I'm not that old, but alas, time marches on and I need to deal. I'm hoping to see HIM down here this summer as well.

We hosted a marvelous Memorial Day Get-together last weekend. Fun was had by all. Thanks everyone who made it. We painted flower pots and even the ones we had to cajole into doing it ended up enjoying it. Thanks again everybody. It was great!
I think that's all the super relevant news this week (or for the previous 2) Hopefully I won't go so long again. Keep me posted on your life as well please!
PS> Yes, I made that cake at the top. And yes, it's even more delicious than it looks. ; ) Neener-neener!


The Ruoss Crew said...

Yes, sadly it really has been that long!

The Ruoss Crew said...

Yes, sadly it has been that long!

Kayla said...

Busy, busy, busy! It sounds like things are going well....even if you are super busy! Good luck on your Dave Ramsey journey....we are taking that as well....some great parts....some not so great....but overall things are getting better and better!

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