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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Catching up with us MeYeR's

Hello to one and all, it has been a busy, BUSY few days for us here. Put on your seat belts!!

~~The delightful Miss Lauren spent 10 days visiting us and surprising 'Shua for their 6 year (yes, 6 YEAR) anniversary. He was, of course, delighted to see her and was a tad reluctant to return to work the following Monday since she was still here...LOL! Us girls had a ball, visiting back and forth, shopping, playing games with the kids, and I had the fun of introducing her to the crunchier side of life...she just kept saying, "You DO that?? Bless your heart, woman!" Ha ha ha~ We spent a happy morning prowling the local farmer's market, eating at Sonic, shopping for 'after the wedding' clothes and having "The TALK"...ahhh, the joys of being a mother-in-law-to be!! The boys taught her how to ride the dirt bike and she really enjoyed the dune buggy as well. She cooked dinner for us about 3 times and all I can say is that 'Shua will never go hungry, that girl can COOK! We took her to the racetrack on Saturday and she thought it was great...so maybe after she moves here, that will become a regular occurrence...that would be fun. She was a hit at game night and did a great job keeping up with the jokes and laughter....man, I have MISSED her! She and 'Shua picked out and bought their new bedroom set and managed to cram it all into his TINY room, and also purchased a lovely bedding set that is super comfy and gorgeous.
Lauren making Pepperoni Pizzaz....YUM~O
~~Pat went home with Lauren amid a flurry of activity and anxiety. We ended up not being able to get gate passes so he had to go it alone with Lauren, but they seems to manage alright without our help. : ) He was packed and ready for almost 5 days before he left and I was starting to wonder if he was going to come unglued with all the excitement. He is safely with PaPa and Grma now and is having a ball already. Tony came over to see him right away and promised to take him out a few times this summer and he is looking forward to that. Lauren also promised to visit often and since he just adored her, that suits him just fine. We are missing his blur of activity already and the house is much quieter without his boisterous laughter and commentary.
Titus is going to Miss Pat the MOST, I think, they are great Buddies!
Airport Goodbye at the last second! Look how tall Pat is!
~~Dan and 'Shua both got new tats this past weekend and now that they are healed and looking good, I'll add pics of them at the end. They also found out this week that when this job in Hurley ends in Aug/Sept, they will be going to Tularoso, which is about the same distance, but the opposite direction, so it looks like we will be continuing the 4 days on/3 days off pattern for quite a while. 'Shua is a bit concerned about that since he doesn't want to be leaving Lauren alone 4 days a week, especially right after they get settled here, so that will have to be worked out. Things to pray about, I guess.

~~Things that go bump in the night!! I was woken up this weekend by an incessant knocking on my door and a grouchy male voice demanding that I 'Come and see"....since this never bodes well around here, I rapidly found my glasses and stumbled out of my room to see what was soooo important.....Brace yourselves: It was a large black, hairy tarantula...YIKES! Apparently, Jodi had found it sashaying across the playroom floor and woke 'Shua up to kill it and he wouldn't until I saw it...wrong person to ask, I made him catch it so Dan could see when he got home from his side job...LOL! Lauren said she was sleeping peacefully, then heard "tarantula' and thought to herself that the boys must be watching Animal Planet or something and then she heard someone say, "Keep it." and decided that she better get up right away and investigate...LOL! Poor thing! She SOOO happy to be moving here. ..ha ha ha~

Hello, Hairy!! YUK~ he got, UM, "relocated" shortly after this picture was taken...ha ha ha!

~~I guess that's about it for big news...so I'll add a few pictures and remind everyone that I love them and miss them and then sign off. Phew, hopefully next week won't be so full, I'm looking forward to some time to sew, read, bake and possibly even scrap a bit...Muahahah, as IF!

*Love to all, *


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