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Monday, January 25, 2021

Into the Unknown...


Friends, I am heading into the unknown today by subbing in the mid-high/high school studio today at work. It is the only studio that I don't know all of the students, or how their day normally runs. If you have a minute, would you say a prayer for me while I dip my toes in the hormonal tidal wave that is 6th-10th graders? Thanks!

Edited to Add:

You guys!! I lived. 😁
And the rumors are true that this is a great group of students. They were kind, respectful, hard-working, and several were quite funny. I enjoyed myself quite a bit, despite a few issues with my technology getting along with the tech in their classroom/studio. When their regular instructor arrived at noon, I was pleased to report that they had been kind and gracious with me. Thank you all for your prayers, I felt them all morning long.

Also, it was pleasing to my office-admin side to put faces with names I’ve seen 100 times, and to meet older brothers and sisters to many of the littles I work with each day. One of the students is a member of Dastroyah’s gymnastics team, and several of the students know The BIGS from time spent at Gym Magic so it was fun to have a small connection already. Good times all around.

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