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The Best Thing I've Heard All Week

     A brilliant friend of mine called her new boyfriend a 'gentleman savage' on Facebook this week, and it struck a chord in me. It...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Hi Friends! I Haven't Forgotten About You, I Promise

Hey everyone. Just a quick nod as I dash past the computer once again today. I know it's been a while, and I have 72 excuses about being busy due to, but not limited to; parent moving in, nephew about to move in, house hunting, getting ready for the holidays, working, raising the 3 boys still at home, trying to keep up with Handsome Hercules, gymnastics, and homeschooling, but the truth is, I just haven't made time. I've had time for FB, movies, shopping, reading, sleeping in, staying up late laughing with friends, and lots of other things. So my "busy" excuse holds no water. At any rate, I miss blogging, and catching up with all of you, and sharing what's going on in my life, so here I am saying HI and hoping you'll say HI back.
     Here's to hoping for a more blog-filled future :)

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