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The Best Thing I've Heard All Week

     A brilliant friend of mine called her new boyfriend a 'gentleman savage' on Facebook this week, and it struck a chord in me. It...

Thursday, February 14, 2019


     It's the little things, am-I-right? I love celebrating little things that make me happy, or accomplished, or even just random silliness, which really should be a 'label' here on the blog because I post so often about it. 
     For today, this week really, I'm yelling "Wooty Woot Woot!" over the fact that I've gone through the last 15 months of emails lingering in my inbox. All read, all saved for some reason, just sitting there, annoying me every time I opened my email app. So, I decided it was TIME to tackle it head on. I started by updating my files options, adding a few new folders for new email types, and consolidating a few that probably should have always been combined. Then I went through and deleted like crazy, to the tune of several hundred emails. Then I started sorting into folders, trying to wade through a month at a time. Along the way, I unsubscribed to nearly 20 newsletters that I've been getting for quite some time but are either no longer applicable to our life, or I just signed up for them to enter a contest or some such. This time last week, I was getting between 50 and 75 emails every day. Today, just 13, and a few more of those will drop off in the coming week as some newsletters take up to 15 days to delete you from their email lists. So, by this time next week, I should only be getting a dozen or less emails a day, all pertinent to our lives, and I'll have waded through the rest of the backlog from 2012-2016. 
     Please feel free to join me in my email quest, or some other small task you've been putting off for too long, and then post a comment about it, so we can all congratulate each other. 

Let's do this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey very nice blog!

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