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Thursday, January 3, 2019

My Word For The Year: 2019

   Do YOU have a word for the year, or a motto, or a special verse? I have joined this movement in recent years and I like the idea of having an overall focus or goal for the year. However, choosing that word is sometimes difficult as I have too many ideas for what I want to work on in the coming year, or conversely, none at all. This year's pick took me a while to really settle on and I think it's a good one. In fact, I think the last several years worth of hard work have led me to it. From retiring my #PlateSpinner hashtag and replacing it with #NoLongerAPlateSpinner a few years back, learning to say ENOUGH (that one took a while) and last year's goal of Progress, it's been a circuitous route, but here I am, ready for something new.
    This year, I'm focusing on me: my attitude, boundaries, and personal growth...things under MY control. I've learned so well over the last few years that my attitude as a mother and a wife truly affects my people, my job, and my home. And since it is under my control, so I should make every effort to use that to bless people. I can choose to use my powers for good or evil. I want to choose good. And so I shall.

    My word for this year is CHOOSE. I will choose to work hard, love harder and bless everyone I come across, all year long. I will choose to smile when the days are long. I will choose to speak gently in love when I feel like screaming. I will choose to pray when I feel like worrying. I will choose to take time to spend with my family. I will choose to feed my people good, nutritious meals when fast food is an easy way out. I will choose to read my Bible and spend time with Jesus, so I know where He wants me to work on me, and how He wants me to share Him with others. I will choose to make time for Dan and I to be together just for us so as we face the coming years, it will be as a team, not as two individuals pulling in opposite directions. I will choose to say no to good things, so I can save my YES for the best things.

   My goals for the year are as follows:

*Personal Health*

  • Fix my foot
  • Eat veggies 2x a day
  • Drop 3 sizes
  • Hike "A" Mountain
  • Read the New Testament
  • Pray from a list
  • Read 52 books
  • Serve in our church
  • Continue with our Community Group
  • Help The BIGS move out as they are ready
  • Go on 1 family weekend-camping, Grand Canyon, Cloudcroft
  • Continue Pizza and Movies on Sundays
  • Date Night with Dan monthly
  • Finish garage
  • Repair Breakfast Nook roof
  • Reduce our Possessions by 30%
  • Save $1000
  • Stay Current on bills
  • Host/Attend a gathering once a month
  • Call a friend 1x a week
  • Send a handwritten note 1x a month
  • Finish the 2018-2019 school year well, complete our curriculum AND our 180 days with good attitudes and good grades (focus on comprehension, not completion simply for the sake of completion)
  • Enjoy our summer break filled with outdoor fun, lots of reading, and family time
  • Start the 2019-2020 school year on time, and work hard to make progress all year long
  • Visit IL to see #BabyThea soon after her birth and celebrate #BabyCaden's 2nd birthday (His hashtag will become #ToddlerCaden)
  • Send Dan to IL for Mambo's 80th birthday
  • Visit Laura Hepker in Austin
  • Visit Cindy in Phoenix
  • Start saving for a family trip to IL in 2020

 I'll try to post in once a month and update my goals. I'll try to have good news in at least one category every month. ;)

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